Opera/Musical theatre

The Rape of Lucretia
by Benjamin Britten
Music Centre Helsinki (Musiikkitalo)
directed by Victoria Newlyn
set design Sampo Pyhälä
costume design Sofia Pantouvaki
photographs by Uupi Tirronen

Music Centre Helsinki (Musiikkitalo)
by Jean Sibelius devised with text by William Shakespeare
directed by Ville Sandqvist
lead costume designer Sofia Pantouvaki
associate costume designers MA students:
Susanna Suurla, Heli Salomaa, Lauren Sever, Mimosa Norja
set design Suvi Saari
photographs by Sanni Siira

Don Giovanni Giocoso
Theatre Academy Helsinki
based on W. A. Mozart’s opera
directed by Jakob Höglund
costume design Sofia Pantouvaki
set design Suvi Saari
photographs by Sanni Siira
The Barber of Seville
Greek National Opera
by Gioachino Rossini
directed by Kostis Papaioannou
set design Sofia Pantouvaki & Giorgos Kolios
costume design Sofia Pantouvaki
photographs Aris Kamarotos

Opera in the Attic
Municipal & Regional Theatre of Kozani, Greece
inspired by Hans Krása’s Brundibár
directed by Jenny Arsenis
set & costume design Sofia Pantouvaki
photographs Theo Chliapas

La Serva Padrona
by Giovanni Battista Pergolesi
Municipal & Regional Theatre of Kozani, Greece
directed by Yannis Karahissaridis
set & costume design Sofia Pantouvaki
photographs Theo Chliapas

Remember Those Years!
Greek National Opera
conceived by Lambros Liavas
directed by Lambros Liavas and Apostolia Papadamaki
set & costume design Sofia Pantouvaki
photographs Stefanos